China's jupe crayon Minmetals considers investment into Marampa project
发起人:xuzh63  回复数:0  浏览数:781  最后更新:2011/11/30 15:53:33 by xuzh63

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2011/11/30 15:47:44

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China's jupe crayon Minmetals considers investment into Marampa project
China's jupe crayon Minmetals considers investment into Marampa project
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China's Minmetals considers investment into Marampa projectPublished: 06 Nov 2009 19:02:01 PST
China Minmetals Corporation, the country's largest state-owned metals trader, had said it was conducting research on a London Mining iron ore project in Sierra Leone and has not signed any cooperation deal for the same.

The statement came after London Mining said Friday that it held talks with Minmetals and Sinosteel Corp., China's largest iron ore trader, as well as China's National Railways for its Marampa project in Sierra Leone.

A source with China Minmetals Corporation said the company has not yet taken a decision on whether to invest and is still studying the project, said the newspaper.

The source said Minmetals would rather look for suitable iron ore acquisitions projects in Australia and Africa, like Mauritania, and largely focus on small- and medium-sized projects.

An overseas merger and acquisition of a project might come out by the end of this year, he said.


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